Ashley Thompson

Greenglades wholesale nursery

Plant rehab: What happens to your indoor plant removals

Ever wondered what happens to dead or unsightly plants after we have removed them from your site? The answer is plant rehab. Our indoor plant technicians remove and replace plants for a variety of reasons. From disease to vandalism to plants simply outgrowing the pot they’re in and becoming root-bound. If a plant is looking sad and can’t be rehabilitated in its current setting, we will remove and replace it as a standard part […]

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Green wall in meeting room

7 Unique biophilic office designs from around the world

Incorporating greenery into our offices was a defining design trend of 2021, with Pinterest data showing a three-fold increase in search for the term “biophilic office designs”. Predictions are, biophilic office design is here to stay. The rise of biophilic office designs Nature is a man’s best friend, but lately, modern high-rises, larger homes and sprawling

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Wedding indoor plant hire

Best 15 desk plants (compact, easy to maintain)

Looking for compact, low-light indoor plants to brighten up your desk at work? Look no further. The best desk plants are low-maintenance and sturdy. More specifically they are drought-resistant, low-light, and air-conditioning tolerant. Beyond their ornamental purposes, indoor plants can purify the air by converting carbon dioxide into fresh oxygen, says NASA. As well as

Best 15 desk plants (compact, easy to maintain) Read More »

Biophilic office Brisbane CBD

How biophilic office design impacts profitability

Are you struggling to justify the expense of a biophilic office design? Do you see an office strewn with indoor plants and natural light as a “nice to have” but not essential?   We buy software that make our teams more efficient because the business case is clear. More efficient employees equal a more streamlined business equals higher profitability.   And yet, People and Culture initiatives such as

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Note: Long term plant hire (18+ months), short term (< 4 weeks).