How landscape maintenance impacts consumer behaviour

A professional photograph of a boardwalk in the outdoor area of retail shopping centre. The boardwalk has garden beds and potted plants all along it, with a Westfield sign in the background.

The quality of your hotel or shopping centre’s landscape maintenance is probably not something you’ve closely considered. Beauty aside, you may be surprised to learn that high quality landscape maintenance can have a direct impact on profit.

Today, over 90 per cent of Australians live in just 0.22 per cent of the country’s land area; and more than two thirds live in a capital city (1).

In a 2015 study (2), consumers indicated they would expect to pay up to 25% more than average for goods in a greener retail setting. As well as 23% more for a hotel room with a view to nature.

JW Marriott Gold Coast Resort & Spa. Photo: Advance Plants

As a result, beautiful outdoor spaces have become essential for our health, wellbeing and bottom line.

Relaxed customers spend more

The importance of high quality landscaping has risen as society’s value of nature has increased.

People want to be surrounded by natural beauty: plants, flowers and trees. As a doctoral student in architecture rightly identified (3): in every faith, heaven is a place with a garden and running water.

This innate connection to nature is call “biophilia”. When displayed in modern architecture and design, it is called biophilic design.

Beyond aesthetics, biophilic design has been found (4) to support cognitive function, physical health and psychological wellbeing.

Photo: Advance Plants

These feelings of relaxation are what you want to encourage in your hotel guests, or commercial customers. As relaxation can translate to up to 15% higher spend (5).

A natural outdoor environment that is aesthetically pleasing will also motivate people to return to these places. Whether it’s a resort, a shopping centre or commercial business; landscaping contributes to a positive customer experience.

Thoughtful landscape design also helps create a peaceful environment for employees. Happy and healthy employees lead to happy customers.

Happy customers spend more. As research shows (6), satisfied customers can spend up to 140 per cent more than unhappy ones.

In short, landscape maintenance creates a relaxing environment, in which employees are happier and customers spend more.

Photo: Advance Plants

How Advance Plants can help you with Landscape Maintenance:

From landscape design and consultation to tree maintenance, irrigation, water features and sports turf management; Advance Plants is your all-in-one exterior landscape solution.

Contact one of our landscape designers to get started today.


(1) “Australia State of the Environment 2016 Report.” Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy.
(2) “The Economics of Biophilia.” Terrapin Bright Green.
(3) “Pandemic or not, here’s everyone’s idea of heaven…a garden and running water.” Rashmee.
(4) “14 Patterns of Biophilic Design.” Terrapin Bright Green.
(5) “Just Relax, Then Buy More and Pay More For It.” The Wall Street Journal.
(6) “Scientist finds satisfied customers spend more than double unhappy ones.” The Business Journals.

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